kero's corner
kero's corner


kero's corner: a pet project i've started to express my love for both cute things and coding, along with my favorite characters! you can call me kero, i would prefer they/them. while i never had the chance to dabble in the cuter aesthetics myself, from what i've seen so far it's a rather nice and enjoyable place to be :] i hope you all enjoy my website // this website was made on a 1365 x 767 screen !!


finish main page
more sayonika?







neo profile


4.26 - added an FAQ, index, linked my neocities profile, and i plan on finishing the pain page. "finish", of course, because i'll probably want to change it again in the future.


Q: how often does this website update?

A: irregularly. i actually do most of my programming at school, but with midterms coming up it might change. my schedule is evil sick + twisted. but, i'll try to keep this silly project posted.

Q: is this website mobile friendly, or will a mobile version come out one day?

A: no, not now and probably not ever. this website is best experienced on desktop or computer, and i feel as though i'd most likely have to re-do the theme of the entire site to even be happy with it in a vertical medium. of course, this could still be a possibility in the future. just a rather small one

Q: is there any way i can contact you?

A: of course! first of all, you can reach my e-mail at ! additionally, you can send a message in the textbox above. if you'd just like to communicate that you like the site, i would reccomend following me on my neocities profile, linked in the index. i plan on setting up a "clap page" in the future, as well :]